Models & Openings
Our Product
ADELMAC offers different models of coffins that are distinguished essentially by the format. In addition to this distinctive factor, it is possible to have a more detailed customisation of the product, type of material, opening, interior fabric and additional accessories are details that each customer can choose. The names of the different models – Coimbra, Porto and Lisboa – respect the denomination usually adopted in Portugal in this segment and represent three major cities of this country. On the one hand, uniformity of nomenclature is guaranteed in our home market and, on the other hand, it is a way of taking the Portuguese spirit across borders.

This model is slightly wider in the upper (bust) area, built in diamond format.

This model has straighter lines than the “Coimbra”, although it also has a narrower base than the top.

This model is, from the geometrical point of view, simpler. It is presented as a perfect rectangle.

The Tampa opening allows the upper part to be completely removed, because it’s made of two independent parts.

Braga allows a vertical opening. It’s divided in two parts that open like a book to the sides.

The Altar consists of a three-phase opening: the top rises and automatically becomes an altar mode. The remaining area is divided in two parts and opens to the sides.
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